Privacy Policy - August 2023

This privacy policy explains how information you provide to Insightful Space Counselling is collected, shared, stored, used and protected, and why. It adheres to the Data Protection Act (1998) and to meet GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) requirements. All efforts are made to keep information confidential. Data is collected for legitimate business reasons and your consent is required in order you receive the service. Your email address will never be sold or given to other companies for marketing purposes. Any changes to this privacy policy will be posted on this page and, if appropriate, you will be notified of this by e-mail or text.

Personal information collected and processed include:

  • Name and contact details
  • Lifestyle, family and social circumstances
  • Physical or mental health details

Why and how I collect your information

I, Isobel McArthur (the data officer), will ensure your Personal Data will be:

  • Processed and handled transparently and lawfully.
  • Taken only for legitimate reasons.
  • Only accurate, relevant and necessary information will be collected.
  • Is kept up to date.
  • Is processed with your data security in mind.
  • Completing the contact form on this website provides me with your contact details. This lets me know you may require further information on my services by sending an email to my website or is stored on a server within the European Economic Area (EEA).

Your information may be used to:

  • Respond to enquiries you make.
  • Provide information about the services which you request.
  • Carry out the contract agreed between us.
  • Contact you regarding appointments and service feedback.
  • Tell you about changes to the service.
  • Identify and protect those at risk of harm or abuse, including yourself.
  • Maintain accurate records and accounts, and to operate the business.
  • Meet statutory obligations, for example by insurers or professional bodies.
  • Administer and improve this site.
  • Advertise the business.
  • Aid training and learning

Your personal details can be deleted, amended or viewed by emailing me at

Storage of personal data and disposal

In submitting your personal data, you agree to the storing, processing, transfer of necessary information and this is kept as securely as possible. Data is primarily stored in paper format, in a locked cabinet. Identifiable information is kept separately and uses anonymised coded session notes. Paper notes are kept for 7 years as required by my Insurance Policy. Your phone number is deleted within 3 months from ending our last session/contact.

Use of Information

Information on the services I provide are given to you at your request, and any other necessary information I feel you need, or where you have consented to be contacted for this purpose. This allows me to provide the services offered following the contract made between us.

How your information is protected

Information you provide is confidential, except when I have a professional or legal obligation to share it or in circumstances where you authorise it to be shared. Your information is stored securely and access to it is controlled and restricted. Information is securely destroyed in accordance with the minimum time period stated by legal and professional regulations. The transmission of information via the internet is not completely secure. Although I endeavour to protect your personal data, the security of information transmitted to this site or via email, text message or voicemail message cannot be guaranteed. Any personal information you send is at your own risk. Once I have received your information, I will use strict procedures and security features to try to prevent unauthorised access.

Disclosure of your personal information to third parties may be given for the following reasons:

  • A duty to disclose/share your personal data to comply with any legal obligation, or to enforce or apply terms of use; or immediate risk of substantial harm to self or any others; or for legal reasons, or a court order for disclosure.
  • This includes exchanging information with other companies and organisations in the case of fraud protection and credit risk reduction.
  • You personal data will NOT be processed for marketing purposes.

This site may contain links to and from websites to other partner networks, advertisers and affiliates. If you access these sites by the link please understand I do not accept liability or responsibility for you visiting or their website safety, or the policies they provide.

Cookies and IP

This website may record statistical data about clients’ browsing patterns and actions, patterns and general internet use. This also includes the Internet Protocol (IP) address used to connect your computer to the internet; your browser type and version; the time zone setting; and your operating system and platform. However, this does not identify you. This may be by a cookie file, stored on the hard drive of your computer.

Use of cookies:

A cookie is a small file that is downloaded to your computer or device when you visit a website so the site can remember you and help to customise your experience and improve the site. If you don’t want Insightful Space Counselling to use cookies in your web browser, you can remove them from your computer or change your browser settings. Information on deleting or controlling cookies is available at the About Cookies website.

Please note, by deleting or disabling cookies you may not be able to access certain areas or features of this site.

Client Privacy Policy

Personal details will be taken and recorded when you complete the assessment form. This helps me to get to know the client and age range I am working with. It also lets me know your preferred mode of contact. Emergency contact details are requested should you feel unwell (I will seek your approval to contact your chosen emergency contact). Similarly, if there is a need to contact your GP or other agencies, I will discuss this with you beforehand. Details of previous or current counselling therapy also helps me make an initial assessment of your circumstances and explore if I am best placed to assist you. I do need to ask you about the use of drugs and alcohol for therapeutic reasons. This information is confidential and kept separately within coded, anonymised notes. Your cultural and religious needs are also considered to help me understand you.

How your data is shared

Consent – I may share your information with other professionals whom you have requested or agreed I should contact.

However, your data will not be shared with anyone else unless:

  • I am subpoenaed by court.
  • If you or anyone is at risk of harm, I may have to pass this information on to the relevant professionals. (This would be discussed with you first). This will include if there is any risk of child abuse, money laundering, or in the interests of terrorism.
  • When I provide counselling to an individual I am required by the BACP to have regular supervision with a suitable qualified Counsellor. This is anonymous and the purpose of which is to help me to improve upon my counselling practice and to ensure I continue to work safely and for the benefit of my clients.

Right to accessibility

You have the right to view your personal information . You can also ask me to amend incorrect information about you. Please allow one month to collate the information that you require.

Right to be forgotten

You have the right to ask for erasure of any information I hold about you. This includes information no longer relevant to original purposes, or if you wish to withdraw consent. This does not include information I have a legal obligation to retain.

Portability of data

You have the right to receive your personal information you provided previously provided, and the right to transfer that information to another party.

If you wish to complain about the handling of your data, please contact, Isobel McArthur, who is the Data Controller at Insightful Space Counselling at Alternatively contact the ICO.

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Privacy Policy